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Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Today miss tan showed a few interesting practical set up, the first was the Van de Graaff generator, didn't know that the school have 1 of it but its interesting to see it in the lab. The second was light prism where miss tan had added new shaped glass block to show total internal reflection and diverging lens. The third was diode with the oscilloscope to show the current and also how light and temperature can increase and decrease the resistance. The last is the ripple generator. These demonstrations is better than those at the Singapore science centre

5:53 PM

J.J Abrams make the best shows
Sunday, August 30, 2009
As the title has stated J.J Abrams make the best shows, from Lost to now Fringe. All those shows are interesting and filled with mystery. It just make you always anticipate the next episode because of the curiosity of wanting to solve the mystery. Luckily Lost will only be back next year if not i cannot resist watching new episode of the final season of Lost during O level. Fringe is different, one can afford to miss a few episode but still understand the story and ending but Lost requires one to watch all episode to get the full picture. Well i am now watching blood diamond, the movie remind me of farcry 2 where the character are in a civil war in an African country and diamonds are used as a currency

ahh tomorrow teacher's day, the day to give thanks to teachers for dedicating themselves to teach us and provide us with knowledge. Could not imagine a world without teachers, the pillars of society will crumble without them.

10:42 PM

national day 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Spent my national day going to the science centre and watch the parade on TV. Learnt alot of things about Leonardo Da Vinci in the Da Vinci the genius exhibition at the science centre. First he had written and drawn alot of design of machines and human anatomy in his codices which is small notebooks that he carried around. Then in the hall is some of those design replicated like the triangle parachute, glider, tank and ball bearing. Most of those design was not built during his time but it give people inspiration like the helicopter where Da Vinci's design of using rotational blade to generate lift had help in creating the helicopter.

His other achievements other than machinery design are arts, human anatomy and sculpture. The section on human anatomy reminds me of the biology textbook, Da Vinci actually dissected human even thought it was illegal at his time but the sketch are quite accurate. He sketched the kidney and the excretory system and also a sketch of a fetus in the womb. The exhibition also featured 25 secrets of Mona Lisa and that Da Vinci have not completed that painting when he died. He also planned to complete a large sculpture of a iron horse but the mold was destroyed in the war when the french invaded Milan

This exhibition visit was at the right time since Discovery channel is going to have this series of rebuilding those sketches in Da Vinci codices like the tank that can shoot in all direction while the soldier in the middle is unharmed.

Anyway left the science centre with more knowledge on Renaissance and Da Vinci and a red chop on the hand with the letter DV so that i can re-enter after lunch. Did not buy any of the item at the shop cause i need to save money for year end.

After visiting the science centre wanted to go to jurong regional library but when i reach there realized that it only open half day because of National Day so return home

Watch national day parade on TV, the version of how Singapore was named was the funniest i heard, when Sang Nila saw singa the friendly lion and the AYG mascot lion so he name it Singapore. The fake terrorist attack was cheesy to show the military might and civil defense of Singapore. Overall this year NDP was ok and the fireworks got nice star and heart shape pattern

I also found the second season of Leverage online, i shall watch it after O level and try to complete the HK post before o level

12:00 AM

Leaving for HK 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
I have not been posting much since everyday is about the same for the past weeks and i got a few draft post that is not publish to serve as a note for myself and i have been watching Michael Moore documentary although some parts are not that true but all of the documentary critises the bush administration and its interesting about the relationship between the bush family and the bin ladin family.

So yesterday went to velocity for ice cream buffet with wingkit, kaiyeat, ziyang, zhongyu and gin soon.

When we reach there it was before 3pm so we walk around and saw a advertisement for a lao beijing buffet that cost about the same. I mentioned it out that this would be better than eating nothing but ice cream and waffle. But people are still on about going for the ice cream buffet. So at 3pm went to the counter and paid for the ice cream buffet. The price listed was excluding 7% GST and 10% service charge and that makes it more expansive than the lao beijing buffet. Then got another group which consist yaolun yanshing shawn and few others also come for the ice cream buffet but we sat at different table so not sure what happen at the other table. So we sat down at our table and then didnt know what to do so kaiyeat then go to the ice cream counter and try to order and then everyone follow suit and order there is in total about 16-20 different type of ice cream i forgot the exact number. Then everytime is like order three scoop of any ice cream. Remember at the starting everyone was so confident that they could eat alot of ice cream. We calculated we need to eat about 12 scoop of ice cream to break even so that would be 4 bowl of ice cream. At first we were eating and chatting about random stuff then the waiter gave us a plate of waffle cutted up to smaller pieces and with alittle of chocolate syrup. So we chat from anime (which i didnt chat much since i dont watch much anime) to lady gaga since a nearby store played just dance and pokerface.

Then at about the third cup everyone was thirsty because of the sweetness of the ice-cream and we eventually got a cup of water and i think zhongyu said that this is a plan to make us eat less ice-cream by giving making us thirsty and drink more water and make us feel full. Then after the fourth bowl we played Gaki no tsukai or the no laughing game whoever laugh will get slapped. Before the game start wingkit was already laughing, i forgot the reason but it caused everyone to laugh and he cant stop laughing. So when the game begin, i continute to eat my ice cream and try not to laugh when someone was giving random sentences. Then zhongyu suddenly said imagine dtkc in a strip show. Kaiyeat immediatly laugh and the laughter spread but zhongyu resist and didnt laugh so he won that first round. In the second round i was playing rockband unplugged on ziyang psp so didnt really notice what the others was talking but i know that kaiyeat and ziyang was out. Then another thing also triggered everyone except zhongyu to laugh. So technically everyone owe 6 slaps.

After the game manage to get 2 more scoop of cookie and cream since the cookies taste nice and is of a different texture than the ice cream and i would appreciate that difference after eating 12 scoop of ice cream . Then the waiter come and ask us what we would like for our drinks which is included in the buffet. That drink was really the last thing we get before we are really full and can longer eat any other ice cream. Everyone except ziyang ordered pepsi since the choice is rootbeer, coffee, tea or pepsi. Ziyang ordered coffee and said that its not sweet enough after 3 bags of sugar must be the ice cream affecting the taste buds. After that we went to walk around to burn off some energy while the other group is still siting there to chat. We walk around velocity and then walk to united square and look around before taking the MRT back home and that conclude the ice cream buffet outing

Well tomorrow will be leaving for Macau on a afternoon flight then stay for 2 night then take ship ferry service to hong kong. Then stay till 24 June. 75% of the trip will be visiting relative, its good to improve relationship between relatives since can only visit them once a year and its the only useful time to use cantonese. I will take pictures and i promise to post it on the blog when i get internet access. So see you all again when i get the internet access.

12:11 AM

Monday, May 11, 2009
Ok add one more youtube video to conclude the "holiday". Some nice piano cello combination of love story and viva la vida. The music is nice and so soothing. Enjoy

10:34 PM

Saturday, May 9, 2009
Wow after 25 days of not posting i notice some changes in the blogger layout and i found out that i can post by email. I am feeling that time is passing so fast, it feel like it was just few weeks ago that the new season of Lost is out and in 4 days the 2 hour season finale will be out, Chinese O level is in 23 days. Time passes so fast

Anyway had been watching some videos online recently and i will post some of the interesting one and i noticed that the youtube HD for the terminator and transformer trailer is amazing the video is so clear
Terminator salvation trailer:

Transformer 2 trailer

Oh yeah, Linkin park also added their new song into the movie called New Divide or something like that i forgot the exact name but the new song will be out May 18

2 more video from the Video Game Live that is coming to Singapore 19 June. Its an interesting concert and i would go if anyone is interested to accompany me. Don't think anyone would be interested since its 49.50+ $3 booking fee for students but if someone is interested to go, please tell me

1:32 AM

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Somehow i like English dramas that talk about an island like Lost and Harper's Island. Watched Harper's Island online since i missed the premiere on Sunday. Wonders why Channel 5 or AXN don't show Lost 2 day after its release in the US like Harper's Island so i no need to watch online.
Spoiler Alert
The first episode of Harper's Island is interesting, at first i don't remember the character's name or their relation after checking online i clear up and remember some of the character. The first to die was Cousin Ben from the wellington which is the bride's family, he was tied below the rear end of the boat and was cut into pieces when the yacht sailed off. The second was Uncle Marty from the groom side who died when he was walking on the bridge and fell in when the wood gave way. He was stuck halfway when he heard a sword drawn sound and he shouted for the person below to help him get up. Then he got stabbed and he tried to shoot the person below with a gun and was eventually cut into half and died. And they actually show the head and the half of the body stuck on the bridge.
Lost on the other hand is solving some of the mystery but the writers are add more mystery such as the survivor time traveled when one of the others pushed an Egyptian wheel underground. They say that it unlocked energy that allow the are around the island to move in time and space and this move caused another plane crash. And the survivor of the new plane crash is some sort of organization that i predict would be hostile and attack the so call "native" of the island. I doubt that anyone would understand without watching Lost

7:23 PM

Friday, April 10, 2009
Time to blog, mass run was postponed today after drizzling when running 1 round and then the lightning warning system sounded so must stop. Only ran for about 2 minutes before stopping. Then take more class photo before we were dismissed. Then went to civic centre to return books before going to eat and get back home.

Found 2 funny cantonese video with english subtitle but it would be funnier if u understand cantonese. Enjoy the 2 videos

12:01 AM

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Yesterday 8:30 was earth hour, most people in singapore not quite support it since i can still see alot of lights around in neighbouring flats. I see my neighbour whose unit is nearest to the lift lobby have all the lights on. At least there are still others that switched off all lights and reduce electric consumption for 1 hour which will reduce alot of greenhouse gases around the world.

Found this video that advertise earth hour quite funny

9:26 PM

Push the movie
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Now to post about yesterday. In school during the Chinese supplementary was talking about what move to watch after lesson. They planned to watch coming soon then i said why must Thai horror film i rather watch Cantonese film. After school walk fast to causeway point. Then jiayi they all queue up to buy ticket and say need 11 nric to buy all tickets so change to watch "push". We bought the ticket and then immediately go in to the theatre.

When we enter, the movie already start alittle so the starting is a flashback of a boy's father killed by agents from the division then before dying he said that a girl holding a flower will destroy the division and then he must help her. Then it shows the starting where they describe what is the division and the diff type of special people. Then show a man walking out to a market and greeted a person in cantonese. I thought was some chinatown in america. Then reach some basketball court where they gamble then the dealer also speak in cantonese. Then i still thought its still in america but then they show a woman fainted on the fishing boat and the background of high-rise building against a mountain i know that the place would be in hong kong. It is a usual site to see high rise building next to mountains in hong kong and they still have those fishing boats. The whole show is setted in Hong Kong, my prediction in school was correct we watched a cantonese show and not a thai actually i really didnt know that "Push" is set in hong kong such a coincidence, it is semi cantonese as only dialogue with the locals or the traid was in cantonese and the western actor cantonese is crap dont even know what they are talking without looking at the subtitle.

After the show wing kit call me a imba watcher. Watcher is people who can see images of future. Then we went to eden's house and watch eugene, jiahui they all play monopoly since they started before we arrived. After that watched a cantonese comedy vcd movie that jiahui brought. It is quite old since those in the movie are no longer acting and retired. After that went home and started on my holiday homework and thats the end of my "interesting" day

5:14 PM

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Law Lok Shing
Riverside Secondary School
Birthday: 26/10/1993

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